Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Kinds of Plastic Surgery

 If you are not happy with what you see when you look in the mirror, then you are not alone. According to the ASPS (American Society of Plastic Surgeons), there are more than 1.8 million plastic surgeries and 8.4 million minimal insidious cosmetic. There is no part of your body which cannot be changed surgically if you are not happy with it. With that in mind, I want to classify the kinds of plastic surgery in form of procedures which are very common. Classification of kinds of plastic surgery according to procedures falls into just one of a few categories. 

Procedure to change the shape of a face
The first kind of plastic surgery is the procedure to change the way your face look. The most common procedure here is rhinoplasty which changes the shape of your nose. In addition, you can have the shape of your ears, eyes, cheek or chin bones changed too. In fact, your entire face can be changed if that is something which you have always wanted.

Procedure to reduce aging effects
The second kind of plastic surgery is the procedures which help to reduce the effects of aging. The best example is facelift, however, there are many other procedures which can reduce the effects of aging as your grow older. In addition, there are stuffs like laser treatments and chemical peels which are used to remove liver spots and wrinkles. You may also consider Botox injection which makes you look younger. All these procedures are common due to the desire of [people wanting to feel and look young. In addition, they are minor procedures which allow people to choose them with ease.

Procedures for reducing weight
Another common type of plastic surgery is the procedures which help in reduction of weight. A classic example would be liposuction, which is very common. This category also includes other procedures which may or may not be seen like plastic surgery. For example having a gastric band on you which reduce the amount of food you eat.

Procedure which changes body shape
The last kind of plastic surgery which I will look at is the procedures which change the shape of your body. Here, you can talk of procedures which are used to enhance breasts or even for reducing them. In addition, you can have implants placed in your calves or buttock. Tummy tuck is another common kind of plastic surgery in this category which changes your body appearance.
There is a lot of confusion when it comes to differentiating the kinds of plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures.

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